Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas Kickoff

The weekend after Thanksgiving we spent getting the tree up, the house decorated and the outside lights up. It's officially Christmas time around here!

For some strange reason, I didn't get any pictures of the kids decorating our tree or the tree in their room. I was a little nervous about Sarah's reaction to the tree, ornaments and other decorations around the house. Well, I can say that we've only had one ornament break and the boy's tree has only come down once! Right on top of her, at that! I think she learned real quick not to try to pull the ornaments off again. Thankfully, she really hasn't messed with the tree in the living room.

That Saturday we headed over to the North Pole Express in Grapevine with our good friends, the Ewings. Fun was had by all!

Getting their tickets punched.

Patiently waiting for Santa to make his way.

Sarah was SO brave. She took the bell right from his hand but didn't take her eyes off of him!

What a difference a year can make- 2010

And what a difference two years can make. (I'm about 6 weeks pg with Sarah here)- 2009

This weekend our church had their annual Breakfast with St. Nicholas. Who can pass up chocolate chip pancakes, eggs, ham, potatoes, yogurt, orange juice and hot chocolate? And of course good ole St. Nick. Not us!

Sarah has warmed up to Santa quite nicely when she has seen him recently. I always try to point him out when we see him at the mall, on TV etc. She might not sit in his lap but she will stand close by and likes to give him a high five.

Stay tuned for more Christmas updates!


  1. Such beautiful family photos, Katherine!! So many wonderful Christmas memories and you are right... so quickly things change.

    Maybe Sarah can encourage Little Man to take more of a liking to Santa. ;) blessings ~ Tanna

  2. The polar express train looked so fun! That's a fun tradition and it's neat to see how much the kids have changed over the past few years!

    That's so good Sarah is doing well with Santa! I'm going to try Joseph with Santa this week and I'm so hopeful he will do ok too!

  3. Great pictures! I love seeing all the Christmas fun already. I'm super impressed that Sarah isn't afraid of Santa. What a big girl! I'm taking the kids to see our Santa tomorrow and I have a feeling Kaitlynn will freak out. But I'm still getting the picture, tears or not, haha!

  4. Sounds like a great start to the holiday season. Our decorating process took 3X as long as it should have because of some busy little boys. We didn't even hang any breakable ornaments this year. And somehow we've still managed to break 2! Can't wait to see all of your fun decor this weekend.

