Yes, that's right...we all went to a North Texas basketball game last night. Jim has been wanting to go all season so we finally were able to find a game that we could go to. We had a great time, even though they lost. It was Luke's first game and he had fun watching all the action around. Of course he loves being up and walking around with me so we spent a good portion of the second half of the game walking around the back. Jacob had a great time as well. He was really into watching the game, especially for the first half and thought it was so fun to clap and shout "Go Mean Green" every time North Texas scored. Sadly, I forgot my camera so I have no photos from the night but maybe next time...I'm almost certain there will be more family game nights in our future! :)
I also wanted to share a sweet story about Jacob from earlier today. We were getting ready for Mass this morning and Jacob and I were talking about church. At one point he said "we are going to see Jesus and God at church". I said "yes and what about Mary". And he said "oh yes, Mary too". He then says "Mommy, I like Jesus, he is sweet to me." A few more seconds went by and he said "Jesus is in my heart." I just looked at him and said "yes, he sure is Jacob". There are so many things that Jacob says these days that just shock me and make me see things through his sweet, innocent eyes. I get teary just thinking about it!
Also, on the way home from church, Jim and I were talking about lent starting on Wednesday and what we are going to give up this year. I came up with cookies and candy...two of my biggest weaknesses...what a sacrifice!! So, from the back seat Jacob chimes in (he doesn't miss anything especially when Jim and I are talking.) "mommy what are you talking about". So I tried to explain what lent is to him so he could understand it. Jim and I continued talking about it and Jacob then says "I want to give up popsicles". Which I thought was a really good idea that he came up with knowing that he has a popsicle every day after his nap. Then he quickly added "but I still want candy!!!" Too funny! I think we are still a few years away from him partaking in lent but I just thought it was too cute that he chimed in with what he wanted to give up!
Hope everyone has a great week!