Saturday, November 8, 2014

September Misc

Here are a few other happenings in September. We went to my parents house over Labor Day and had a fun weekend. 

Gabriel and Luke have been best buddies lately. 

Grandpa put the boys to work one afternoon. And they loved every minute of it. 

Sand box fun.

Watching Frozen during some rest time.

Stick bug on the face! Boys!

...and on the shirt.

...and in the hand.

A little soccer game in the garage. 

A few days before Sarah's school started back, we met with some of her friends from her class last year. Jump Zone then lunch afterwards. 

Chick-fil-a lunch with friends.

Sarah's class "pet", Ollie. He takes turns coming home with each student and we have to write in his journal about his adventures. Sarah took her role very seriously and watched over Ollie so carefully. He went everywhere with us and did everything with us!

It was a beautiful night at Melissa's wedding.

A rare nap by sweet Sarah. Gymnastics must have worn her out that day.  

1 comment:

  1. Yay for new posts! 😀
    Oh I dread those days coming of my boys touching and holding bugs, eeek!!

    September looked like a fun month!
